Thursday, 17 November 2016


Tessa Perkins
Tessa Perkin's 5 assumptions of the stereotypes are identified as ones that can be challenged and these are:
  • Stereotypes aren't always negative
  • They aren't always about a minority or less powerful group
  • They are not rigid or unchanging
  • They aren't always false
  • They can be about a certain group.
All assumptions can be shown within the Hotel Babylon clip that we analysed. The first point of all stereotypes not always being negative is true as in the extract one of the Immigrants in the cupboard shows how to help someone when they have passed out by rubbing jam on her gums which would give her an instant sugar rush. This shows a positive stereotype as ex nurses who are trained that now maybe aren't as fortune have the skill sets to carry on and be able to help people in the future. At the end of the extract they are all sat in a community whilst they are eating which shows how positive their environment can be when they stick together and do something as a group. This shows their groups as working together, so in a positive light, and hard workers to achieve what they want.
Lots of groups are also included in this extract which shows that stereotypes aren't always from a minority or less powerful group as the white individuals are shown as being of a higher class and favoured by the actions that they show such as the white lady being a receptionist. Finally, they aren't all about a certain group as there are many different ethnicity groups and minority groups that are in this scene such as the Illegal immigrants, different generations and white and black characters.

Leon Festinger
Leon Festinger's theory was called "cognitive theory" this is when we resist changing our attitudes unless there is substantial evidence to prove against it. We stand by our own judgements and beliefs.
This is related to Hotel Babylon because everyone already has their own assumptions of each different minority group that is shown in this extract so therefore premature thoughts and beliefs are shown from the beginning of the extract. This is hard to break as there aren't many factors that would change their feelings as they work with their stereotype and follow it closely. It does challenge views on Police Officers as they should be protagonists and not antagonists as they are there to enforce law and care for people in the community. They are shown as antagonists in this clip as they discriminate against all of the Immigrant workers and want to ensure that they are all taken away from their jobs.

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